Monday, February 11, 2013

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Tone at the Top (Leads to the right culture that fulfills the purpose of Corp. Governance)

• Governance philosophy, Trusteeship, Transparency, empowerment and accountability, control & ethical corporate citizenship

Corporate Ethics

• Better communication leads to better life

• High Ethics means success

• Environmentally aware in all we do

• Our people build the future

• No tolerance on corruption

• We and Our Partners

• Avoidance of conflict of Interest

• Transparency and auditability

• Protection of Confidential information

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

• Disaster Relief (volunteer) , Donate on natural calamities,

• Environmental, Economical, Social – what do companies do?

• Health safety management systems.

• Education and voluntary work for the society

Whistleblower policy

• Open door policy – access to Business Heads / functions

• Forms available on intranet / can log complain to anonymous mail or call

• Awareness sessions and town hall conducted on regular basis.

• Anti-corruption handbook on the intranet